jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

Assignment # 1, Biography: Lazzús, Lya

I was born in Antofagasta, Chile on 16th May, 1986.

At the age of three my parents went to Holland, and after a year they decided to live there.

I spend all my childhood there. I lived there for eight years and when I was eleven years old, in 1997 we returned to Chile.

In 2004 I finished school and I did a year of pre-university in order to prepare myself for the admission test called PSU, that you have to take to enter any university.

In 2005 I came to Santiago to study Veterinary Medicine at Andrés Bello University. I studied there for two years but I didn't like it very much so I decided to stop studying that.

On december of 2006 I returned to Antofagasta and in 2007 I didn't studied anything. On July of that year I traveled for three months to Holland to see my brother and sister, then I came back to Chile and stayed the rest of the year in Antofagasta.

At the begining of this year I decided to study again, but this time something that I really liked, so I came back to Santiago and I chose the career of translation at Ucinf University, and that's what I'am doing now, and will be doing during the next three years.

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